Friday 4th May 2018

A New Commandment I Give Unto You

In this Sunday's Gospel Jesus gives his friends, the disciples, a new commandment - that they must love one another as Jesus loves them, with whole-hearted and unlimited generosity. Love is life's greatest blessing and Jesus' message is for us too. By loving as Jesus loves, we too become his friends and we experience the harmony and peace which comes from following his command - to love. St. John explains: 'Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him.'

Sixty Active Minutes for Every Child, Every Day

This is the pledge and recommendation from the Department of Health and is part of the Government's Obesity Plan to encourage every child to be active for at least an hour per day. Currently only 19% of children and young people between the age of 5 and 16 achieve this target. Data provided by Dudley Local Authority report that 27% of Reception aged children are overweight or very overweight and at the end of primary school this increases to 39%. The Youth Sport Trust work alongside schools to promote a new programme entitled 'Active 30:30'. This programme aims to support every child to achieve the health recommendation by providing ideas/opportunities in school for at least 30 minutes of physical activity and a further 30 minutes outside of the normal school day. Many of our pupils participate in breakfast, lunchtime and after school clubs which helps a certain percentage of children to achieve this aim. However, as a school we are looking at ways that the children can be more active during lessons. This is not necessarily additional vigorous physical activity but can be light physical activity where the children are provided with movement breaks. This can have a 7% improvement on brain function. With the weather looking like it is going to improve over the weekend this could be a good staring point to aim to achieve one hour of physical activity as a family. The National Walk to School Walk takes place the week commencing Monday 21st May. This is an opportunity for parents and children to walk together to and from school. However, we understand that some of our families have a greater distance to travel and therefore we suggest that perhaps cars could be parked a little further away from school to enable parents and children to 'park and stride'. Each class will be keeping a record of who walks to and from school and the class to achieve the highest percentage will be provided with some additional playtime. 'Super Movers' is a great interactive resource which will help encourage your child to be active and also support with maths and English too. This can be found on the BBC Sport website as follows:

Praise Assembly

Year Group Catholic Virtues Good Work
Reception Ollie Amelia andJoseph
Year 1 Alyssa Thomas
Year 2 Isaac Isla and Sophie
Year 3 Whole Class Emilia and Michaela
Year 4 Michael Francis
Year 5 Jacob Whole Class
Year 6 Aleza Maddie

What's On

May 2018 Key Stage 1 Statutory Test Adminstration Period
Monday 7th May May Bank Holiday
Thursday 10th May 9.10am Whole School Mass - Soilemnity of the Ascension of the Lord
Thursday 10th May TBC PTA Indulgence Evening
w/c Monday 14th May Year 6 Statutory Assessment Week
Sunday 20th May Pentecost Sunday
w/c Monday 21st May National Walk to School Week
Monday 21st May 7pm Full Academy Committee Meeting
Tuesday 22nd May PTA Bags2School
Tuesday 22nd May 1.30pm Year 6 Transition Session with Hagley Catholic High School
Tuesday 22nd May 2.15pm Reception Class Mass
Wednesday 23rd May Hagley Catholic High School Mass Band
Friday 25th May School INSET Day 5 (no pupils in school on this day)
Monday 4th June Summer term 2 begins

May Bank Holiday Activities and Events

There are a number of family events and activities planned for this coming May Bank Holiday weekend. Dudley's Family Information Service (DFIS) have once again provided the School with a list of things to do in Dudley. For further information please look at the information in the main reception or access via the DFIS website as follows: We hope you enjoy the warmer weather with your family this weekend.

Walk to School Week

This year's Walk to School Week will take from Monday 21st until Friday 25th May 2018. This is a country wide programme which aims to encourage families to walk to and/from school. In 2017, 400,000 children and their families joined the challenge and got a taste of the many benefits the simple act of walking can bring. For further information please go to:

Lunchtime Sports Clubs

Monday KS2 Kwik Cricket Training (start date TBC)
Tuesday Year 5 Play Leader Training (Mr Taylor)
Wednesday Years 3 and 4 Football Training (Your Sport)
Thursday Years 4 and 4 Girls' Football Training (Mr Carry)
Friday Years 5 and 6 Football Training (Your Sport)

Stourbridge Tennis Club - Junior Tennis Programme

Stourbridge Tennis Club offer a variety of tennis programmes for all ages and abilities at different days and times. If you would any further information please contact Kirk Woodhall on 07792 755507 / or Grant Chapman on 07800 936550 /

School Football Team Fixture

Congratulations to the School Football Team who played a friendly fixture against Gigmill Primary School last Thursday. The match was played in a very positive spirit and I am pleased to say that St. Joseph's won 4-2. We have started a girls' only football training session this week and we are planning to play some fixtures against other local schools this term.

Car Park Safety

Please be mindful of our neighbours when using the car park on Albermarle Road. Safety is our main concern and we have had reports of a few " near misses " recently. Please be courteous when parking and DON'T park on the entrance or exit. Thank you.

Virtues Focus - Grateful and Generous

Pupils at St. Joseph's are growing to be grateful for their own gifts, for the gift of other people, and for the blessings of each day; and generous with their gifts, becoming men and women for others.

Prayer of the Week (Wednesday Word)

Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for being our loving friend. Please help us to love as perfectly as you love, even when it is difficult. Amen.

Pope's Intentions for April

For Those who have Responsibility in Economic Matters. That economists may have the courage to reject any economy of exclusion and know how to open new paths.

PTA Indulgence Evening

The PTA are hosting an Indulgence Evening on Thursday 10th May 7.30 - 9.30pm. Tickets cost £5.00 including a glass of Prosecco and nibbles. Come and have a glass of wine, a chat and do a bit of shopping. Nails, hair, jewellery, candles , bags and demo's. Tickets available from the school office or PTA members. Thank you.

Emmaus CMAC
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