Friday 28th September 2018

Reception Welcome and Commitment Mass

We formally welcome our new Reception children to Our Lady and All Saints Parish this coming Sunday at the 10.30am Mass. This is also an opportunity for all members of St. Joseph's community, whether staff or volunteers, to acknowledge their commitment to the children who we serve. Our Catholic schools are diverse and enriching communities, founded by people with a desire to serve God and to help our children to be the best person they can be. Parents, school and parish working together help our children grow in goodness and unite all of us, enriching and enhancing the life of our school community. St. Basil the Great reminds us, "Each person, according to their ability, should be a pattern of goodness to others." We look forward to seeing you on Sunday.

Macmillan Cancer and Dahlicious Dress Up Day

Many thanks for your support with our events in school today, so far we have raised £410.00. The children have certainly enjoyed dressing up as their favourite Roald Dahl character - as well as the staff! All money raised will go to Macmillan Cancer Support which is a charity close to our heart as a school community.

PTA Meeting and Support

Thank you to the regular members of the PTA and also the new parents who came along to the AGM last week. Without the support of this small group of parent volunteers the school, children and their families would miss out on the extra events and valuable resources provided to the school. Approximately £4,500 was raised last year and £4,300 was spent on events and resources for the children across the school. Each teacher has also requested resources to support and enrich the children's learning this year too. The target for the PTA is to raise £4,000. This will include a new home reading scheme linked to the Read Write Inc. phonics programme taught in school as well as resources for each class. Further details to be announced shortly. The next PTA meeting will be held on Thursday 11th October at The Wagon and Horses starting at 7pm. Please come along and support our PTA.

CAFOD Harvest Fast Day - Brighten Up

On Friday 5th October our Year 5 children will be leading an assembly in support of CAFOD's Family Fast Day. The theme entitled 'Brighten Up' reminds us that due to poverty and injustice, this harvest will not be bright for millions of children and young people around the world who will miss out on food, clean water and even on going to school. On this day children can come into school wearing bright clothes and to also bring with them some form of food produce which can either be sold after the assembly or given to our local food bank. Shortages at the Parish Food bank include: tinned fruit, tinned potatoes, packets of mash, biscuits, 1 litre milk cartons, tinned spaghetti, tinned/packet custard, tinned rice pudding, packets of cous cous, squash/cordial, tinned tomatoes, breakfast cereal packets of savoury rice and tinned meat ready meals (chilli/stew). The money raised will help make the world a brighter place for communities living in extreme poverty. Thank you for your continued support to help our brothers and sisters around the world.

Parent Zone

Parent Zone has made available a number of guides that focus on 'trending' apps and games that pupils are engaging with. For further details please go to the following website link:

What's On

Sunday 30th September Reception Welcome and Commitment Mass at OLAS 10.30am
Monday 1st October Little Way Week
Monday 1st October Fourth Anniversary of the formation of St. Nicholas Owen CMAC
Wednesday 3rd October Year 2 Class Mass 9.10am
Friday 5th October CAFOD Harvest Fast Day and Year 5 Class Assembly - Children wear bright clothes and bring in an item of food 9.10am
Wednesday 10th October Year 4 Class Mass 9.10am
Thursday 11th October School Games Tag Rugby Competition am
Friday 12th October INSET Day 2 - no children in school on this day
Saturday 13th October Hagley Catholic High School Open Day 9am-12noon
Monday 15th October Full Academy Committee Meeting 7pm
Tuesday 16th October Reception Open Morning (September 2019) 9.30am-10.30am
Thursday 18th October Feast Day of St Luke - children can wear green on this day
Tuesday 23rd October Parents' Evening 3.30pm-5.30pm
Wednesday 24th October Parents' Evening 5pm-7pm
Friday 26th October PTA Children's Disco R and KS1 6pm-7pm and KS2 7.15pm-8.15pm
Friday 26th October End of Autumn term 1
Half term Monday 29th October to Friday 2nd November
Monday 5th November Autumn term 2 begins

Reception 2019 Open Morning for Parents

On Tuesday 16th October we will be holding an Open Morning for parents of Reception children for September 2019. This will take place in the school hall from 9.30am until 10.30am. Please encourage any friends and family members with children who are due to start Reception in September to come along. Thank you.

Out of School Hours Activities

Day Activity Year Group Time
Monday Multi-skills Years 1 to 3 8am
Tuesday Gymnastics Years 3 to 6 8am
Tuesday Irish Dancing Years 1 to 6 3.15pm-4.15pm
Tuesday Tag Rugby Training (until 9th October) Years 5 and 6 12.50pm-1.20pm
Wednesday Multi-skills Years 4 to 6 8am
Wednesday Football (mixed) Years 3 and 4 12.45pm
Thursday Gymnastics Years 1 and 2 8am
Thursday School Football Team Years 4 to 6 12.45pm
Thursday High 5 Netball (mixed) Years 4 to 6 3.15pm-4.15pm
Friday Football (mixed) Years 5 and 6 12.45pm
Friday Football (mixed) Years 1 to 6 3.15pm-4.45pm

Praise Assembly

Year Group Catholic Virtues Good Work
Reception Grace Joseph and Lloyd
Year 1 Lois Shayden
Year 2 Benjie Amelia
Year 3 Emilja Jack and Isaac G
Year 4 Emilia Esme
Year 5 Will Liam
Year 6 Chanelle Mohammed

Parking at Our Lady and All Saints Parish Church

A reminder that due to ongoing building work at OLAS, there are limited spaces available for parking. Please be mindful of this on Sunday for our Reception Welcome and Commitment Mass. There is a two hour limit at the Aldi car park as an alternative but remember to insert your car registration in the machine in store.

Autumn Craft and Gift Fair at St James' School

On Saturday 29th September, a craft and gift fair is being held at St. James' CE Primary School (DY8 4RU) between 10am and 3pm. There will be a wide range of handmade craft and gift stalls (now about 30!) - perfect for early Christmas shopping! There will be cakes and refreshments served all day too. This event is being held to help support local Scouts who have been selected to represent West Mercia at the 2019 World Scout Jamboree in America.

Virtues Focus - Compassionate and Loving

Pupils at St. Joseph's are compassionate towards others, near and far, especially the less fortunate; and loving by their just actions and forgiving words.

Prayer of the Week - Family Fast Day - Friday 5th October 2018

Creator God. In love you give life. In your generosity you create the gifts of the earth. As daughters and sons of the same Father, may we learn to share the plentiful gifts of creation, especially with those most in need. Give us open hands and loving hearts, so that we take less and give more. We ask that all benefit from your goodness, and share in the fullness of life you have promised. Amen.

Pope's Intentions for September

Universal: Young People in Africa. That young people in Africa may have access to education and work in their own countries.

Emmaus CMAC
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