Friday 7th December 2018

Preparing for the coming of Jesus

The Gospel this Sunday serves as a reminder to us about the importance of preparing ourselves as Christmas apporaches: to repent (to look into our hearts and see if there are any ways that we could change for the better), and to be busy doing the things that Jesus told us to do, loving God and loving one another through our words and through our deeds.  In these ways we prepare our hearts to be filled with a joy that lasts long after the Christmas festivities have passed.

Diocesan Section 48 Inspection Outcomes

Thank you to Mrs Daniels and Mrs O'Leary for their support during the inspection process earlier this week.  We are unable to announce any gradings until the final report has been published after quality assurance checks which can take up to 20 days from the inspection date.  It was a very positive experience and highlights the good progress the school and its community has made since the interim monitoring visit back in April 2017.  Thank you to all our school staff, volunteers (including Academy Committee members and Directors), parents and the wider community for their continued commitment and hard-work to help the children achieve to their full potential here at St. Joseph's School.

School Carol Concert - Sunday 9th December 3pm

Please join us this coming Sunday for our School Carol Concert at Our Lady and All Saints Church starting at 3pm.  Children who are reading, in the Mass band or choir are to meet at around 2.30pm for a final rehearsal.  All children are to wear their school uniform at this event.  We look forward to seeing you on Sunday as we continue to prepare for the season of Christmas together as a school community.

Walk Once a Week Launch

This coming Monday morning, Mr Richards from Living Streets (UK Charity), will be speaking in assembly about a new, exciting, nationwide challenge to encourage children and their families to walk to school at least once a week. Walking to school helps children feel happier and healthier and even do better in class because they arrive refreshed, fit and ready to learn. More families walking means fewer cars on the road during the school run, helping to reduce congestion and pollution at the school gates too. Using an online tracker, children's journeys to school will be logged and at the end of each month, those children who have walked at least once a week, will receive a WOW badge! If your child cycles or scoots to school, these will count towards earning a WOW badge.  If you live too far away or don't have the time to walk the whole way to school, you can Park and Stride so that your child can earn their WOW badge.  Park or hop off public transport at least ten minutes away from school and walk the rest of the way. If you would like to find out more information about this programme visit the following website:  Let's swap those school runs for school walks!

SNOMAC Fourth Anniversary Memento Booklet

The SNOMAC Fourth Anniversary Memento Booklet has now been uploaded onto the school website.  From the landing page select the 'Key Information' tab and then access the 'St Nicholas Owen CMAC' folder.  Previous booklets are also stored within this folder.  We hope you enjoy reading about the wide variety of events which have taken place across our MAC last year.

Reception Admissions September 2019

Dudley Local Authority have asked schools to remind parents of children born between 01.09.14 and 31.08.15 to complete an application.  Parents can apply online at /admissions or they can phone the office on 0300 555 2345 for a paper form. The closing date for applications is 15th January 2019. An additional Supplementary form is required and a copy of your child's Baptismal certificate, please contact school office for more information.

Disabled Parking Spaces

Please keep the disabled spaces in the council car park free for members of our school community who require this support.  Thank you.

School Security Reminder

Any parents or visitors who have arranged to meet with a member of staff must enter school via the main entrance to safeguard the security of all staff and children on site. The safeguarding of all members of our school community is of the highest priority.

National Young Mathematician Award with Explore Learning

Dominic, Kimran, Jamie and Phillippa represented St. Joseph's at the regional final of the National Young Mathematician Award at Explore Learning in Stourbridge on Wednesday.  The children worked collaboratively to solve a number of very challenging problems during the course of the afternoon session.  The results wil be announced within the next forthnight. Well done to our great ambassadors of St. Joseph's School!

Praise Assembly

Year Good Work Catholic Virtues
Reception Gabriella Gabriella
Year 1 Clemency Orla
Year 2 Sophia Hattie
Year 3 Lola Isaac P
Year 4 Christy, Philip and Jude Esme
Year 5 James Lexi
Year 6 Isabelle Erica and Mohammed

What's On

Sunday 9th December Carol Concert at OLAS 3pm
Monday 10th December Years 3 and 4 at Birmingham Think Tank all day
Monday 10th December Launch of 'Walk Once a Week' Programme
Tuesday 11th December Flu Vaccination - Reception class - Year 5 1.10pm
Tuesday 11th December Full Academy Committee Meeting 7pm
Wednesday 12th December PTA Bags2School collection 9am
Wednesday 12th December School Celebration for the Feast Day of St. John - children in St. John's house can wear red this day
Wednesday 12th December School Christmas Dinner
Thursday 13th December Reception Nativity 2.15pm
Friday 14th December Last Praise Assembly of the Term 9.10am
Friday 14th December Reception Class at Santa Safari all day
Friday 14th December Year 5 Guitar Concert 2.45pm
Monday 17th December Christmas Jumper Day - £1 donation to support Crisis
Monday 17th December Pantomime performance for children (funded by the PTA)
Wednesday 19th December KS1 Nativity 1.30pm and 6.30pm
Thursday 20th December Christmas Party (each class)
Friday 21st December End of term Mass 9.10am
Friday 21st December School Carol Concert 2.45pm
Monday 7th January Spring term begins - children start school 8.45am

Out of School Hours Activities

Day Activity Year Group Time
Monday Multi-skills Years 1 to 3 8am
Monday Dance SPACE STILL AVAILABLE Years 3 to 6 3.15pm-4.15pm
Tuesday Gymnastics Years 3 to 6 8am
Tuesday Irish Dancing Years 1 to 6 3.15pm-4.15pm
Tuesday Play Leader Training Years 5 and 6 12.50pm-1.20pm
Wednesday Multi-skills Years 4 to 6 8am
Wednesday Football (mixed) Years 3 and 4 12.45pm
Thursday Gymnastics Years 1 and 2 8am
Thursday School Football Team Years 4 to 6 12.45pm
Thursday High 5 Netball (mixed) Years 4 to 6 3.15pm-4.15pm
Friday Football (mixed) Years 5 and 6 12.45pm
Friday Football (mixed) Years 1 to 6 3.15pm-4.45pm
Friday 21st December There will be no after school football club # #

Virtues Focus - Faith-filled and Hopeful

Pupils at St. Joseph's growing to be faith-filled in their beliefs and hopeful for the future.

Prayer of the Week

Dear Lord Jesus, please help us to prepare well for Christmas and show us how we can help others to do the same. Amen.

Pope's Intentions for December

Evangelization: In the Service of the Transmission of Faith.  That people, who are involved in the service and transmission of faith, may find, in their dialogie with culture, a language suited to the conditions of the present time.

Emmaus CMAC
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