Friday 29th March 2019

Laetare Sunday - Rejoice

There are certainly lots of things to rejoice about this weekend.  BST officially begins bringing longer days and hopefully continued good weather.  We celebrate the fourth week of the season of Lent in allowing us to become closer to God through prayer, fasting and almsgiving.  This Sunday is also Mothering Sunday, in which we give praise and thanks for all mothers around the world.    In the Gospel, we hear about the parable of the Prodigal Son/Prodigal Father. The younger son insults his father, his inheritance is all he thinks about.  To make matters worse, his reason for returning is not love or consideration, but simply his own desparate hunger.  The father doesn't even question his son's motives.  He welcomes his son back with open heart and the open arms of forgiveness.  The message for us is that, whatever we may have done wrong, if we are truly sorry, we can still count on the loving forgiveness of God, who is our father, and on the freedom that his forgiveness brings.  Lent is a time when we can contemplate on our words and actions, to reflect when we have fallen short of following God's ways. The Sacrament of Reconciliation allows us to reflect and ask for God's mercy and forgiveness. Confessions at OLAS will take place on Saturdays during Lent at 10.30am and 4.30pm. Please also support our Year 3 children who will be at Mass at OLAS on Sunday as part of their preparation programme to receive First Holy Communion later on this year.

School Lock-Down Procedure

You should have received a letter on Wednesday to outline the procedures of a 'lock-down' at St. Joseph's.  It is a requirement for all schools to have a procedure in place and to practice this on an annual basis. Mr Carry will speak to the children during Monday's Gospel Assembly about the need to stay safe indoors rather than outdoors at certain times. The practice will take place on the morning of Thursday 4th April.  This will ensure that the school is ready for such an eventuality in the future.

End of Key Stage Assessments Parent Information

Thank you to the parents who attended the Year 2 and Year 6 meetings about this year's end of key stage assessments.  The presentations are now available on the school website.  Please click the 'Key Information' tab on the home page and then click on the relevant year group.  If you do have any further queries or questions then please contact your child's class teacher through the school office. 

St. Mark's Feast Day

On Wednesday 3rd April, the children in St. Mark's house can come into school in clothes the colour of their house - blue.

School Football Fixtures

Unfortunately, the football match last Monday was postponed but has been rescheduled to take place on Monday 8th April at Hob Green Primary School.  There are additional fixtures to be played during the next fortnight so that all games are completed before the Easter break. We wish our school team every success.

Years 3 and 4 Production of Aladdin

Years 3 and 4 production of Aladdin will take place on Tuesday and Wednesday next week starting at 6.30pm.  We thank all the staff and parents who have supported their children in preparation for this year's production.  A reminder that videos of the performance are not permitted and that photographs taken must not be posted on social media, especially if these include other children. Please respect our school's safeguarding procedures. 

Down Syndrome Day - Cake Sale

Please support Year 5's cake sale on Tuesday 2nd April as they raise funds for Down Sydrome Day.  Cakes will be available at break time on this day.  Thank you for supporting one of our Lenten events.

The Big Pedal - Friday 5th April

On Friday, we are encouraging all families to choose 'human power' to cycle, scoot or walk their journey to school. This links with our Walk Once a Week programme to promote greater active travel.  In 2018, over 1,200 schools made 989,414 journeys to school by bike and scooter.  As a result a staggering 1,179kg of nitrogen oxide was avoided over the challenge period.  If these journeys would have been made by car, this would have produced over 576 tonnes of CO2 and over 60,000 gallons of fuel costing over £330,000.  As we are only taking part in the final day of the challenge please make every effort to at least park and stride if you have to commute to school from a further distance away. Also, please could we ask parents not to sit in their cars with the engines running on the car park due to emissions. 

PTA Mother's Day Sale

Thank you to everyone who supported today's Mother's Day Sale. The children had a fabulous selection of gifts to choose from. Money raised through this event goes to enriching the lives of all our children at St. Joseph's Primary School. Any remaining monies can be sent in on Monday.

Praise Assembly

Year Group Catholic Virtues Good Work
Reception Class Luca Xanthe and Theo
Year 1 Whole Class Orla
Year 2 Ronnie Benji
Year 3 Fenton Whole Class
Year 4 Phoebe Whole Class
Year 5 David Harry
Year 6 Anna Tom

Out of School Hours Activities

Day Activity Year Group Time
Monday Multi-skills Years 1 to 3 8am
Monday Girls' Football Training (new club) Years 4 to 6 12.50pm
Tuesday Gymnastics Years 3 to 6 8am
Tuesday Irish Dancing Years 1 to 6 3.15pm-4.15pm
Wednesday Multi-skills Years 4 to 6 8am
Wednesday Football Years 3 and 4 12.50pm
Thursday Gymnastics Years 1 and 2 8am
Thursday School Football Team Years 4 to 6 12.50pm
Thursday High 5 Netball Years 4 to 6 3.15pm-4.15pm
Friday I'm an Archer Years 3 to 6 8am
Friday Football Years 5 and 6 12.50pm
Friday Football Years 1 to 6 3.15pm-4.45pm

Virtues Focus - Learned and Wise

Pupils at St. Joseph's are growing to be Learned by finding God in all things; and wise in the ways they use their learning for the common good.

Prayer of the Week

Lent is a time to become closer to God.  We can do this through prayer and attending Mass each week.  Fr. Des reminds us to take some time out and say the Lord's Prayer at 6pm each day.  Our Father, who art in heaven...

Pope's Intention for March

That Christian communities, especially those who are persecuted, may feel that they are close to Christ and have their rights respected.

For school dates please refer to 'Calendar' on the school website

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