Friday 5th April 2019

Making a New Start

This Sunday's Gospel reveals the depths of God's mercy and compassion and the need for each one of us, in our own way, to make a new start with God.  Regardless of our past, each day we are given the opportunity to make a new start.  Jesus just waits for us with the gentleness and patience of God.  As Easter approaches, are there any new starts that we can make with our family, friends or with God?  Confession is also a wonderful and uplifting opportunity to say sorry to God and prepare ourselves for the season of Easter.

Morning Pupil Registration - Reminder

A reminder that children need to be in school for registration at 8.55am each day.  Registration closes at 9am - your child will be marked as late after this point which will be an unauthorised absence.  This could also lead to a referral being made to the Education Investigation Service for 12 sessions of unauthorised absence within a six week period or 10 continuous sessions of unauthorised absence. The school gates open at 8.45am to allow for an easier transition at drop off.  Teachers also set early morning tasks for the children to do each day before registration.  Children who are late miss out on this opportunity. Please continue to support the school with this matter. 

Keeping Safe Online

It is has been brought to our attention that some children in school have their own You Tube accounts.  If you allow your child to have access to this, then please ensure that your child does not post any personal details of themselves or other pupils from the school on these videos as they are then more vulnerable in these situations.  There is also guidance about staying safe online on our school website.  From the home page, click the key information tab and then select internet safety.

INSET Days and Dudley Term Dates for 2019-20

School INSET days have been approved by the Principal and Academy Committee for 2019-20.  Being part of a Multi-Academy Company (MAC) schools are also allowed up to two addtional INSET days to work collectively together.  There will be a MAC wide INSET day on Monday 6th January 2020.  The INSET dates for St. Joseph's are as follows: 02.09.19, 03.09.19, 11.10.19, 06.01.20, 22.05.20 and 20.07.20.  The Dudley term dates for 2019-20 have also been uploaded onto the school website.  From the home page, select the key information tab.

Years 3 and 4 Production - Aladdin Trouble

Congratulations to our Years 3 and 4 children who performed magnificently in this year's production which took place earlier this week.  A huge thank you to Miss Robertson, Miss Brissett, the school staff, parent volunteers, PTA members and parents who all contributed in making this production such a success.  It is always amazing to see how well the children develop in confidence and remember so many lines and songs at such a young age.  It really showcases the talents of our children and how we endeavour to develop the whole child.

End of Term Mass

Please join us on Friday 12th April at 9.10am as we celebrate our end of term Mass together as a school and parish community.  Services and Masses in the run up to Easter (Holy Week) are also available on the OLAS website or newsletter.

Supporting Hanne Vibre School in The Gambia

Mrs Hodt spoke to the children earlier this week to show them photos and videos of the chidren at Hanne Vibre Nursery School in The Gambia receiving their Chrismas boxes and more recently the pencil cases which had been donated by our school. We will continue to collect any old stationery you may wish to donate so that we can send these items (pencil cases, small rucksacks, colouring pens/pencils etc).  Please bring any such items to the school office.  Thank you for your continued support for our brothers and sisters in need. 

Down Syndrome Day

Thank you for supporting Down Syndrome Day on Tuesday.  The money raised will go towards supporting those families in need through the 'Ups and Downs' programme. The children in Year 3 and Year 5 raised £130.97 from their joint cake sale.

School dinners - Easter Fun Day

On Thursday 11th April, join us for an end of term Easter fun meal. Each lunch comes with a free raffle ticket with the chance to win a chocolate Easter egg.( winner in each year group) Dinners for children in KS2 are £2.30. Children in Reception and KS1 are entitled to universal free school meals.Menu as below.

  • Easter Box Meal
  • Chicken/Quorn nuggets
  • Hot Dogs
  • Quorn Hot Dogs
  • Smiley Faces
  • Easter biscuits and cakes
  • Easter nests

Out of School Hours Activities

Day Activity Year Group Time
Monday Multi-skills Years 1 to 3 8am
Monday Girls' Football Training Years 4 to 6 12.50pm
Tuesday Gymnastics Years 3 to 6 8am
Tuesday Irish Dancing Years 1 to 6 3.15pm-4.15pm
Wednesday Multi-skills Years 4 to 6 8am
Wednesday Football Years 3 and 4 12.50pm
Thursday Gymnastics Years 1 and 2 8am
Thursday School Football Team Years 4 to 6 12.50pm
Thursday High 5 Netball Years 4 to 6 3.15pm-4.15pm
Friday I'm an Archer Years 3 to 6 8am
Friday Football Years 5 and 6 12.50pm
Friday Football Years 1 to 6 3.15pm-4.45pm

Inter Borough Cross Country Competition Result

Congratulations to Jonathan who represented Dudley at the Inter Borough Cross Country Competition last Saturday.  In a field of 60 boys from Dudley, Wolverhampton and Walsall, Jonathan came in 3rd place and was the first Year 5 pupil across all three boroughs. Both the girls' and boys' teams from Dudley won the competition overall. He will represent the Black Country at the National Competition later this year. Well done Jonathan.

'All Stars' Cricket for KS1

Years 1 and 2 will be taking part in a cricket session led by coaches from Oldswinford Cricket Club this coming Monday afternoon.  This taster session is part of the outreach programme in preparation for the Cricket World Cup which will be taking place in England later this year. 

Football Fixture at Hob Green Primary School

On Monday, our school football team will be playing an away 9-a-side fixture against Hob Green Primary School.  Mr Peniket will be in charge of the school team on this day.  We wish all our players every success.

Walk Once a Week Update

Congratulations to the 118 pupils who achieved this month's WoW award for walking, cycling or scooting to school.  Well done to Year 2 - twenty six out of thirty achieved the award this month!  Active Travel has such a positive impact on children's readiness for learning. It also helps children to achieve the Chief Medical Officer's recommendation of 60 minutes of physcial activity per day.

Virtues Focus - Learned and Wise

Pupils at St. Joseph's are growing to be Learned by finding God in all things; and wise in the ways they use their learning for the common good.

Prayer of the Week

Lent is a time to become closer to God.  We can do this through prayer every day and attending Mass each week.  Fr. Des reminds us to take some time out and say the Lord's Prayer at 6pm each day.  Our Father, who art in heaven...

Pope's Intention for April

For doctors and their humanitarian collaborators in war zones, who risk their lives to save the lives of others.

For school dates please refer to 'Calendar' on the school website

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